
Skin Types

Your new skin philosophy

When it comes to discovering your skin type, the first thing you need to do is forget everything you’ve read or heard before!

Based on French pharmacists’ research, we know much of the information given out by cosmetics salespeople, fashion magazines, and even some dermatologists can be incorrect. Why? Because information rarely takes into consideration the skin care products you’re using, which can have a major impact on your skin type. Not to forget that beauty isn’t only skin deep, experts point out that what we put inside our bodies counts nearly as much toward a younger look as what we slather on the outside.

Trust our “BB buddy” expert to analyze your skin based on a short questionnaire about your skin, concerns, goals and your environment.

We are here to help you rethink what 'skincare' means

There’s a lot of money to be made from people’s fear of aging but truthfully the aging process can’t be stopped but we can help you manage it.
When it comes to applying skincare products, it’s not always better to apply more as the skin gets addicted to replacement moisture and then stops supplying its own hydration from within the body. And your natural hydration is what really keeps skin healthy and young.

At frenchpharmacy, our goal is to be your guide in embracing the less is more philosophy.

Confusing? Different? Surprising? Yes! The skincare brainwashing started in the late ‘50s and ‘60s from all the cosmetic companies. They sold everyone that idea that you will dry with age. This is absolutely nonsense. As you break the addiction of harsh chemicals, harsh, abrasive, skin-aggravating ingredients, and over skincare usage, your skin may feel dry and irritable, your skin may feel like it’s missing something but the withdrawal is worth it! With our selection of dermo-skincare products you can expect notable difference within 6 weeks- and a big one within 18 weeks, once three skin cycles have taken place.

How do dermo-skincare products differ from usual skincare products?

Dermo-skincare have the specificity of being suitable for all skin conditions, including the most sensitive. Dermo-skincare brands have a complete product portfolio addressing all skin types and/or conditions but all suitable for sensitive or sensitized skin.
To achieve this, French Laboratories have combined the gentlest ingredients and fine-tuned their dosage to ensure that the formulas are hypoallergenic and very well tolerated by the skin. They have also chosen the best active ingredients to make sure the formulas are efficient but balanced, all for really solving the underlying causes of the skin condition and not just fixing temporary symptoms. In many cases, products have been submitted to clinical trials administered by dermatologists, or placed under high levels of dermatological control. In terms of manufacturing process, the procedures ensure that dermocosmétiques abide to the standards established by the pharmaceutical industry.
Therefore, dermo-skincare products are the perfect mix of safety, results and self-indulgence.
Dermo-skincare products are recommended by French dermatologists, sold in French pharmacies and are now available at frenchpharmacy.com.

Knowing your skin type

Knowing your skin type is extremely important as it drives everything about the texture and types of products you should be using. The more you know about your skin type, the more you’ll be able to help your skin look and feel as normal as possible, and more normalized skin is the goal.

Before you start your skin analysis with Beauty Buddy, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and then wait about 15 minutes and see how your skin behaves.

If you’re skin quickly starts showing oil diffused over the face, you have oily skin.
If your skin starts experiencing some dryness and feels tight, you have dry skin.
If your T-zone (the area around your nose, chin, and central forehead) starts looking oily but your cheeks and jaw area start feeling slightly to moderately dry, you have combination skin. This is the most common skin type because everyone has more oil glands in their center of their face than on their cheeks.

When you finally discover what your skin type really is you can then make better decisions about the products you should be using. Although all skin types absolutely need the same essential skin care staples.

Normal Skin Type

Normal skin is not too dry or oily; it falls in that desirable in-between place. Normal skin usually has an even tone and a soft texture with little flakiness. It doesn’t mean you never have a bit of oil or dryness on your face, but when you do, it is easily resolved and not a major issue. Your skin is generally blemish-free, except for the occasional outbreak, and doesn’t feel too dry or too shiny at the end of the day.

Dry Skin Type

Dry skin is tight, flaky and lacking in moisture and tends to have small pores and an overall feeling of tightness. Your skin often has more visible lines, less elasticity, and a duller complexion. Dry skin type can also experience flaking, but this isn’t always the case.

Oily Skin Type

Oily skin is shiny and prone to breakouts and acne. Oily skin type tends to have larger pores, and a shiny, thicker complexion. This skin produces more than enough oil so hydration isn’t your issue. Rather, blackheads and pimples are a common problem with this skin type.

Combination Skin Type

Most of us have combination skin to some degree, since there are more oil-producing glands around our nose than other areas of our face, this skin type experiences oiliness in this area much more than other skin types. Combination skin is typically marked by a consistently oily T-zone with dryness in other areas of the face.

Sensitive Skin Type

Sensitive skin is skin that is easily aggravated by harsh products or the weather, resulting in rashes, stinging and/or blotchy patches.
How do you know if you have it? Your skin often breaks out and develops rashes and red spots. You may experience stinging, swelling, flakiness, and itching. Your skin tends to flush red from the wind, cleansing or sun exposure.

Sensitive & dry skin type

A sensitive skin with a dry nature results in an altered lipid barrier, which makes it more reactive to the slightest change. Your skin often feels rough and tight and you might experience redness and heat sensations at time.

Sensitive & oily skin type

As your skin is by nature sensitive, you might experience irritations, redness and heat sensations at times. As far as sebum production, your skin over compensates and shows a regular shine. Finding the perfect balance to protect your skin is essential.

Sensitive & mixed skin type

Having a sensitive skin type, you experience redness and heat sensations at times. As for sebum production, it might feel that it is mostly concentrated on your T-zone. Your skin is most likely to be dry and in need of more hydration. Sensitive and dehydrated skin often has an altered lipid barrier, which makes it more reactive to external aggression. How to Choose the Right Products for Your Skin Type.

Here are some valuable tips:

  • If you have oily skin, you should only be using products with a light fluid, liquid, thin lotion, or gel texture. Any other texture will make your skin feel oilier and risk clogging pores.
  • If you have dry skin, you should only be using products that have rich lotion, cream, or velvety serum textures.
  • If you have combination skin, you may need to use a mix of products for the dry and oily areas. For dry skin, you would need more emollient products and products with the lightest weight texture are for the oily areas—but can be layered beneath products for the dry areas.
  • If you have a sensitive or sensitive combination skin, you need to use non-irritating and gentle products. As we mentioned, demo-skincare products are formulated to be appropriate for those with sensitive skin.

Ask our “BB buddy” expert to analyze your skin based on a short questionnaire about your skin, concerns, goals and your environment. Upon the results, your expert recommends the best products, skin care routine and shares valuable advice.